Monday, February 14, 2011

Differet Types Of Brazilians

differently by Paulo Coelho

This weekend I was about to read an old book when it appeared among pages and neatly folded, a Sunday supplement cuts that once kept as a small treasure. No date but I estimate that the letter must have five or six years.
are nine points as a council, which the great writer Paulo Coelho da carioca anyone pilgrim traveler's soul, as he calls himself.
Perhaps most travelers followers of this blog and what you have read elsewhere, but as I reread it I liked, I want to share with you.

Addo National Park. South Africa

TRAVELING differently. Paulo Coelho

From an early age I discovered that the travel was, for me, the best way to learn. Continued until today with this pilgrim's soul, and I decided to tell in this column some of the lessons I learned, hoping that might be useful to other pilgrims like me.

1) Avoid museums.
The advice may seem absurd, but let's think a bit together: if you are in a foreign city, is not much more interesting to go for the present than the past? It happens that people feel compelled to go to museums because they learned from small to travel is to seek that kind of culture. It is clear that museums are important, but they require time and objectivity - you need to know what you want to see there, or will leave with the impression that he saw a lot of basic things for life, but can not remember what.

2) Frequent bars.
There, unlike museums, city life is manifested. Bars are not clubs, but places where people go, take something, think about time and está siempre dispuesta a una conversación. Compre un diario y quédese contemplando el movimiento del local. Si alguien inicia un tema, por más bobo que sea, acepte la charla: no se puede juzgar la belleza de un camino mirando solamente su puerta.

3) Esté disponible.
El mejor guía de turismo es alguien que vive en el lugar, conoce todo, está orgulloso de su ciudad, pero no trabaja en una agencia. Salga por la calle, elija a la persona con quien desea conversar y pídale informaciones (¿dónde queda tal catedral?, ¿dónde está el Correo?). Si no resulta, pruebe con otra; le garantizo que at the end of the day have found an excellent company.

4) Try to travel alone or - if you are married, your spouse.
will give you more work, no one (or) take care, but only in this way can actually leave the country. Group travel is a disguised way of being in a foreign country while speaking their native tongue, obeying what He commands the head of the herd, being concerned more with the gossip of the group with the place you are visiting.

5) Do not compare.
not compare anything - no price, no cleaning, and quality of life, means of transport, nothing! You are not traveling to try to live better than the others, your search, indeed, is how others live, what they can teach, how they deal with reality and the extraordinary in life.

6) Understand that everyone understands you.
Although not speak the language, do not be afraid: I was in many places where there was no way to communicate through words and always found support, guidance, important suggestions, and even girlfriends. Some people believe that if they travel alone, go on the street and be lost forever. Just have the hotel card in your pocket and - in an extreme situation - take a taxi and show the driver.

7) Do not buy a lot.
Spend your money on things that later will not have to carry: a good play, restaurants, trips. Today, with the global market and the Internet, all without having to pay excess baggage.

8) Do not try to see the world in a month.
far better to stay in a city for four or five days, visiting five cities in a week. A city is like a capricious woman needs time to be seduced and fully display.

9) A trip is an adventure.
Henry Miller said that it is much more important to find a church that no one heard about, to go to Rome and feel obliged to visit the Sistine Chapel, with two hundred thousand tourists screaming in their ears. Go to the Sistine Chapel, yes, but also let lose on the streets, journey into the streets, feel free to be looking for something that does not know what it is but that - with all-found security, and change your life.


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