On 3, 4 and 5 November, will be electing the Federal Councillors (representing the C-100 in the federal council Federation) and Conventional (representatives of the student center to the maximum organ FEUU).
The Federal is the highest body for discussion and resolution of the Federation between Conventions successive serve on the Federal Council FEUU: Student Center M acultades, CDC dependent Schools, Colleges Dependent Schools, Institutes Faculty assimilated.
The integration will be two regular delegates from central and their alternates (two per delegate) and the criterion of the federation will, ie one vote center.
delegates are considered centers: a.
Those concerned stating that the union and have been duly elected union meetings or other instances of collective resolve that the union endorsement. B.
Temporarily, in centers where students order is unable to perform any of the instances named above will be considered delegates to the Student Advisors. C.
It is the responsibility of those who temporarily assume the citation of the assembly for final designation of delegates in installments determined by the federal council.
The convention is the supreme body for discussion and resolution of the FEUU, which ordinarily meets every two years and extraordinary meetings convened by the Federal Council with qualified majority . Here are set of policies and strategies to be followed by the Federation and elect the Executive Board, which implemented in conjunction with the Federal daily policies set by the Convention.
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