now available on the website of the UdelaR ( ) all registration information for entry into the different careers that presents the University of the Republic.
This is the place for students like you who want to join to pursue a career degree at the University of the Republic in 2010.
Find information about the conditions and requirements necessary to do so.
"What is the information you can consult ?
- The dates of the inscriptions (explaining when number must be requested in advance, when the registration is conditional because it requires passing an entrance examination, etc.).
- What documents need to present at the time of registration. With what must have academic prerequisites. The links for the service provided by the race, curricula, and bdellium.
To find the information you have two ways:
- Entering by the knowledge areas and within these service university (faculty, school, etc.). University centers are independent of the interior.
- Entering "All Races" where grade supply list in alphabetical order.
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