Friday, January 28, 2011

Ny Unemployment Certify

Besalú and his hidden treasure

A little over 30 km from Girona and within the region of the Garrotxa , is the pretty village of Besalú , an urban architectural and archaeological first order with a well-preserved medieval heritage and in 1966 was declared a national historic-artistic.
Linked above the county of Girona, at 894 Besalú becomes a county with its own dynasty, when Wilfred the Hairy placed his brother Radulf (894-913). We were several counts until the year 1111 Bernat III dies without issue, losing then the condition of county and becoming part of the House of Barcelona.

Walking through its streets and squares we discover magnificent buildings that deserve our attention. Among the religious buildings include the church of Sant Vicenç (S. XI) and the Sant Pere (St. X). The latter was part of a Benedictine monastery which faculty welcomed the many pilgrims who came to Besalú during the Middle Ages. Test it is the Hospital de Sant Julià , a hospital for pilgrims (S. XII) for the attention of travelers passing through Besalú in the Way of Santiago.
Church of Sant Vicenç
Detail of the church of Sant Vicenç
Church of Sant Pere
Church of Sant Pere
Detail Sant Pere church
Old Hospital de Sant Julià
Hospital de Sant Julià Detail
As civic buildings include the Casa Cornellà (S. XII) and especially the magnificent bridge (S. XI) on Fluvià , the symbol of the town. It is constructed of seven arches and uses the river rock as a settlement of the pillars. In the middle of the bridge stands the fortified tower where anyone who wanted access to the town should pay tribute county or pagus . Unfortunately, during the Civil War the bridge was partially blown up and in fact as we see today is the result of several reconstructions.
fortified bridge Different Images

Besalú was established in a large Jewish community representing about 25% of the total population that lived in perfect harmony with Christian. Recorded in written documents that in 1342 became independent from the Jewish community of Girona We then started a golden age that lasted until 1391 when he begins his pursuit. The Bull issued in 1415 Pope Benedict XIII, known as Papa Luna, forced Jews to live in the Jewish quarters and eliminated any signs of life with the Christian community. Had previously occupied the main streets of town, as the Plaza Mayor, Calle del Pont, Forn street, Calle Rocafort and portal Belloch but many of them leave Besalú and some converted to Christianity.
The Jewish (or Call in Catalan) Besalú was distributed around a square where was the synagogue and occupied the area between the castle and the walls.
The synagogue was built in the year 1264 under authorization of King Jaume I the Conqueror and was used until the first half of the fifteenth century when the last Jewish family left the village. Since that time there were different uses of the building, such as oil mill or dry cleaning to the eighteenth century it was demolished and the space was occupied by a place whose name recalls its origins, the Plaça dels Jueus (or Jews' Square .) From here we have a beautiful view of the medieval bridge and river. You can see some remnants of what was that building public and with lots and lots of imagination - which I do not need - you can get a sense as it should be a day in that environment. If stones could speak certainly recite the sacred texts of the Torah to listen many times over the 200 years that saw the synagogue there grow several generations of Jews besalunenses.
Remains of the synagogue
Narrow street leading to the Plaça dels Jueus
left for the final icing on the mikva or ritual bath house in particular was what interested me Besalú visit to the simple fact that I had never known a place that meets this function. It is not easy to visit a mikva since Besalú is the only one still standing in Spain, or at least that has been discovered so far and is one of the three baths of purification in medieval style (S. XII) there in Europe. It was discovered by chance in 1964 when the land owner ordered a drilling of a well.
The only access is one of the tours organized by the tourist office under the arcades of the Plaza de la Llibertat. Next to the synagogue are the narrow stairs leading to an underground room containing a small rectangular pool. By the looks of the place, immediately sensed that a deal could mikva and, indeed, they confirmed the rabbis of Paris and Perpignan as it met all the prerequisites for this were:

First: There must 36 steps. The guide told us that number was related to the cabal and here was everything. Looking for information have found that this relationship is:
For Jews, 36 is the number of righteous men in a generation, mentioned in the Talmud. Were twelve tribes of Israel and three daily prayers.; If a right of each tribe was three daily prayers, avoiding technical terms are met 36 prayers. The celestial dome is 360 ° which is divided into 36 equal periods of 10 days governed by a sage. Three times the number of apostles, three times of the year. If see the dark side 36 = 3x6 = 18 = 18x2 = 36 = 3 +6 = 9 = 9x4 = 36. Figure 36 is 666 the number of the beast. If you add 1 to 36 as follows 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 + ... +36 666 results again.
Second capacity 40 saha (300 liters).
Third Shortcut water from a natural source, a river, sea or a pond, in this case Fluvià coming through filtration.

Stairs leading down to the mikva

The small room is carved in stone barrel vault and has a narrow window faced east, toward Jerusalem's holy places.
The Jews must fulfill the ritual of spiritual purification on different occasions. Once clean and well groomed, they entered the pool and completely submerged in water three times. The women did after menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth or wedding and men before Sabbath every Friday before sunset. Also they did before the Yom Kippur , which is the Jewish day of repentance, the holy and solemn day of the year.

A good way to round off the day is eating a dish of the region where Siqués Fonda, an establishment with years history. When founded in the late nineteenth century was a must for carriers supplying the mountain regions and animals had to change carriages.
The large dining room was the old stable and still retain the manger, the original watering hole.

Other images from different corners of the town:

Friday, January 21, 2011

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The footprint of Michelangelo in Rome

Last October, we made a family trip to Rome to celebrate the golden anniversary of my parents. It was a very rewarding experience which I took an unforgettable memory. At least, both my sister and I, we put every effort into it that way.
Except for my parents and my niece Mary, the rest we already knew the city, but always want to go back to Rome. It is a city that never bore, a living city like the most. From its historic stones that remind us that it was the greatest empire of all time, through the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque ... until today, Rome is one of the most European capitals has to offer the visitor.
In this case, I will not recount the last five days in Rome. Simply because I believe that little could contribute to a well known destination for most travelers. However, I do not want to overlook leave a comment about something I love about this city.
There is no doubt that Italy is talking about ART in capitals. Unlike Florence or Venice where you should allocate a significant portion of the budget if they want to see the most representative works (in Venice is paid in most churches), Rome is an art museum where you can soak out for very little money.
not try to list everything that you can visit without spending a euro, but I like to focus on the work that Michelangelo left in the Eternal City and to is open to anyone.

The art versatile as they come, the great figure of the Renaissance, an exceptional creative soul endowed their works, the great Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 - 1564) moved from Florence and Rome, precisely why it was there where his great patrons, the Medici family in the first and the Popes in the second.
In Rome can admire much of the work of Michelangelo's best architect, sculptor and painter and many of the visits are free. Although highlighted in the three areas, sculpture was his favorite, perhaps because it was the first to be devoted. In Rome there are three great examples: La Piedad in Basilica de San Pedro , the statue of Moses in the church San Pietro in Vincoli and Christ Minerva in the church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva , with the first two of its most recognizable sculptures.
Two years after the death of his patron Lorenzo de 'Medici, known as Lorenzo the Magnificent, Michelangelo left Florence and after a brief stay in Bologna, he traveled to Rome, where he could study and soak up the sculptures classical antiquity. During these early years (1498 - 1500) sculpted the Pieta to San Pedro del Vaticano , a place he still holds. The image of a Virgin calm, young and beautiful in a package that, according to experts, is technically perfect. Therefore, that some doubted that the young artist just 25 years could create that wonder. They say that to learn, in a fit of genius, Michelangelo carved his name on the tape across the chest of Mary: "Michael Angelus Bonarotus Florentinus Faciebat ", Michelangelo Buonarroti, Florence did, the only work in signature appears.
In May 1972, a mentally disturbed sculpture attacked with a hammer breaking the left arm, nose and front of the Virgin . quickly proceeded to a sensitive restoration and in June 1973 was once again exposed. Following this unfortunate event, you can only see the work behind thick bulletproof glass and more than six feet away, so it is difficult to admire the details.

The modest church of San Pietro in Vincoli , that was built to house the chains that shackled San Pedro, lies one of the most impressive monuments of the city, the mausoleum of Julius II, the pope who commissioned the work to Michelangelo in 1505. The initial project consisted of more than 40 sculptures, excited to Michelangelo who considered it the great work of his life. He stayed eight months in Carrara for choice and control in the extraction of marble, but the lack of funds led to a standstill for decoration the Sistine Chapel . After the death of Pope Julius II in 1513, resumed work, but made with much smaller dimensions. Even well, Michelangelo carved one of his best works, Moses (1515), central figure in the tomb along with the figures of Rachel and Leah, located on either side.

The rest of the monument was finished by his assistants. Represents the prophet Moses when he returned from Mount Sinai with the Tablets of the Law under his arm. His face, unlike the serenity that seems the Virgin in Piety, horror shows, expressing your feelings to see that the Israelis have abandoned the Lord and worship the Golden Calf brown
Personally, this colossal sculpture is what struck me most of all I've ever had a chance to admire. The tense muscles of the prophet, the wrath of his face, the folds of their clothes ... a domain of the marble as if it were molded clay.
The original site was under the dome of the Basilica of San Pedro and the fact that is in the little church of St. Peter in Chains makes it more shocking, perhaps unexpected. The first time we were in Rome was my first visit. At the time of toss the coin to illuminate the mausoleum I was dumbfounded recreated by such beauty.

After admiring the perfection of Moses, called Christ of the Minerva the feeling that it is not sculpted by the artist himself. According to the contract, should represent a Christ-size, naked and with a cross between the arms. Michelangelo began in 1514 and later abandoned by the defects found in the marble. The work was sent to Rome in 1521 and completed his assistants and Urban Pietro Federico Frizzi. The gold band was added later in the Baroque.
While isolated opinions as the Renaissance painter del Piombo Sabastiano who declared that only the knees of Christ were more worthy than all Rome , is considered one of the less privileged work of Michelangelo, but in the expression able to reflect Christ's voluntary decision assuming the martyrdom that awaited him before being nailed to the Cross.
worth visiting the church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva , the only example of Gothic church in Rome. Its name comes from the ancient temple that was there, for the goddess Minerva. The rich interior has little to do with the simple facade and here lies the body of St. Catherine of Siena (with the exception of the head is in his hometown) and Fra Angelico.
When talking of Michelangelo architect, his masterpiece was the " Cupolone " the gigantic dome of St. Peter's that became the model for the entire Western world among which are the dome of Saint Paul in London, Les Invalides in Paris or the Capitol in Washington.
When Michelangelo was appointed architect of St. Peter's was already 72 years old. Modified the project by architects who had preceded him and in particular the central dome. Could not see their successors finished and Giacomo Della Porta and Domenico Fontana finished 24 years after his death. With a height of 132 meters and a diameter of 42.5 can be seen from several points of the city. An interesting experience is up to the highest point on the narrow stairs that force to tilt the body and mold to the curvature. From the balcony can be seen throughout the city, one of the most beautiful images of Rome in the retina is recorded forever.
Pope Paul III commissioned the renovation of the Capitol Plaza or Campidoglio. In the center, the equestrian statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, framed by three palaces: The Palace of the Senators in the background and the halls of the Conservatory and Nuovo, one on each side. The square is located on top of a hill and is accessed through a stairway, Cordonata Capitoline. I must say that the work also was completed after his death and there were some changes in their projects. The whole place is gorgeous and its elevated position gives it a unique magic that is broken, in my personal opinion, going down the Cordonata and find the monument to Victor Emmanuel II who chairs the adjacent Piazza Venezia.

Other examples of his architectural work can be seen in Rome is the Farnese Palace or the inside of the Porta Pia.
de1508 began in May work in the decoration of the vault of the Sistine Chapel , work for which he was also recruited by his patron, Pope Julius II, almost like an imposition. Although the painting was not his forte, rejected the assistance of other experts in fresh painters. Moisture problems that forced him to start again, continuing discussions with the Pope ... nothing prevented the final result was supreme. Do not think the same way some of his contemporaries who saw the naked bodies as something immoral and dishonest.

Except visit to the Vatican Museums where you can reach the Sistine Chapel and go to the top of the dome of St. Peter, both of payment, Rome offers the possibility to admire the work free of charge to the great Michelangelo left in the Eternal City. Just for that, it is worth repeating again and again target.