Linked above the county of Girona, at 894 Besalú becomes a county with its own dynasty, when Wilfred the Hairy placed his brother Radulf (894-913). We were several counts until the year 1111 Bernat III dies without issue, losing then the condition of county and becoming part of the House of Barcelona.
Walking through its streets and squares we discover magnificent buildings that deserve our attention. Among the religious buildings include the church of Sant Vicenç (S. XI) and the Sant Pere (St. X). The latter was part of a Benedictine monastery which faculty welcomed the many pilgrims who came to Besalú during the Middle Ages. Test it is the Hospital de Sant Julià , a hospital for pilgrims (S. XII) for the attention of travelers passing through Besalú in the Way of Santiago.
Church of Sant Vicenç |
Detail of the church of Sant Vicenç |
Church of Sant Pere |
Detail Sant Pere church |
Old Hospital de Sant Julià |
Hospital de Sant Julià Detail |
As civic buildings include the Casa Cornellà (S. XII) and especially the magnificent bridge (S. XI) on Fluvià , the symbol of the town. It is constructed of seven arches and uses the river rock as a settlement of the pillars. In the middle of the bridge stands the fortified tower where anyone who wanted access to the town should pay tribute county or pagus . Unfortunately, during the Civil War the bridge was partially blown up and in fact as we see today is the result of several reconstructions.
fortified bridge Different Images |
Besalú was established in a large Jewish community representing about 25% of the total population that lived in perfect harmony with Christian. Recorded in written documents that in 1342 became independent from the Jewish community of Girona We then started a golden age that lasted until 1391 when he begins his pursuit. The Bull issued in 1415 Pope Benedict XIII, known as Papa Luna, forced Jews to live in the Jewish quarters and eliminated any signs of life with the Christian community. Had previously occupied the main streets of town, as the Plaza Mayor, Calle del Pont, Forn street, Calle Rocafort and portal Belloch but many of them leave Besalú and some converted to Christianity.
The Jewish (or Call in Catalan) Besalú was distributed around a square where was the synagogue and occupied the area between the castle and the walls.
The synagogue was built in the year 1264 under authorization of King Jaume I the Conqueror and was used until the first half of the fifteenth century when the last Jewish family left the village. Since that time there were different uses of the building, such as oil mill or dry cleaning to the eighteenth century it was demolished and the space was occupied by a place whose name recalls its origins, the Plaça dels Jueus (or Jews' Square .) From here we have a beautiful view of the medieval bridge and river. You can see some remnants of what was that building public and with lots and lots of imagination - which I do not need - you can get a sense as it should be a day in that environment. If stones could speak certainly recite the sacred texts of the Torah to listen many times over the 200 years that saw the synagogue there grow several generations of Jews besalunenses.
Remains of the synagogue |
Narrow street leading to the Plaça dels Jueus |
left for the final icing on the mikva or ritual bath house in particular was what interested me Besalú visit to the simple fact that I had never known a place that meets this function. It is not easy to visit a mikva since Besalú is the only one still standing in Spain, or at least that has been discovered so far and is one of the three baths of purification in medieval style (S. XII) there in Europe. It was discovered by chance in 1964 when the land owner ordered a drilling of a well.
The only access is one of the tours organized by the tourist office under the arcades of the Plaza de la Llibertat. Next to the synagogue are the narrow stairs leading to an underground room containing a small rectangular pool. By the looks of the place, immediately sensed that a deal could mikva and, indeed, they confirmed the rabbis of Paris and Perpignan as it met all the prerequisites for this were:
First: There must 36 steps. The guide told us that number was related to the cabal and here was everything. Looking for information have found that this relationship is:
For Jews, 36 is the number of righteous men in a generation, mentioned in the Talmud. Were twelve tribes of Israel and three daily prayers.; If a right of each tribe was three daily prayers, avoiding technical terms are met 36 prayers. The celestial dome is 360 ° which is divided into 36 equal periods of 10 days governed by a sage. Three times the number of apostles, three times of the year. If see the dark side 36 = 3x6 = 18 = 18x2 = 36 = 3 +6 = 9 = 9x4 = 36. Figure 36 is 666 the number of the beast. If you add 1 to 36 as follows 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 + ... +36 666 results again.
Second capacity 40 saha (300 liters).
Third Shortcut water from a natural source, a river, sea or a pond, in this case Fluvià coming through filtration.
Stairs leading down to the mikva |
mikva |
The small room is carved in stone barrel vault and has a narrow window faced east, toward Jerusalem's holy places.
The Jews must fulfill the ritual of spiritual purification on different occasions. Once clean and well groomed, they entered the pool and completely submerged in water three times. The women did after menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth or wedding and men before Sabbath every Friday before sunset. Also they did before the Yom Kippur , which is the Jewish day of repentance, the holy and solemn day of the year.
A good way to round off the day is eating a dish of the region where Siqués Fonda, an establishment with years history. When founded in the late nineteenth century was a must for carriers supplying the mountain regions and animals had to change carriages.