lived another year and one less left to live, that's the reality. Speaking travelers, the idea began to agonize that I will not have time to learn all that I excited. The list is long and it may seem a contradiction, instead of going shortening takes longer than ever. I guess the same applies to most who follow this blog, a journey leads to another, read an article you like, a report on television, talk to someone tell their journey and we've just added to the list a multitude of sites that initially did not have in mind, perhaps out of sheer ignorance. Not to mention the places that apetecería me back again and again. Need 30 long lives!. As I do not know what lies ahead, I try to take advantage of this, although I always pursued the question of whether live the life they really want and how I want. In short, it's time to take stock of the trips have been realized and have not been raised and new goals and new challenges for the coming year. This is the illusion that begin in 2011.
the year just we can not complain, even though some things have not gone as planned. One of the drawbacks of having to schedule trips in advance, as any mishap can change plans at the last minute. The issue of air traffic controllers has become a very real problem and take into account when making travel plans. In 2010 I've been three times, two flight cancellations late and a significant delay. When drivers are not English, are the French and we can say that our fate is in the hands of this group which, without going into details, feel dissatisfied with their working conditions.
So in February, the French drivers screwed up our trip to Cambridge since canceled our flight to London Stansted Easyjet few hours before departure. We lost a good chance to spend a weekend in the company of fellow travelers in a city that I really wanted to know.
Cambridge but could not be Easter visit two other British cities, Liverpool and Chester and both surprised me. Chester is a charming city with a considerable historic and lively streets that make it very pleasant visit. Liverpool, gave me much more than I expected and I think that is a clear example of how preconceived ideas, for better or for worse, in most cases do not conform to reality. The Beatles music and the spirit is breathed in every corner but Liverpool offered much more than that.
In summer we decided to Southeast Asia where we spent three weeks. Most of the time I spend on the island of Borneo , namely the provinces of Sarawak and Sabah belonging to the State in Malaysia and also visited the Sultanate of Brunei.
The only continental part of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur were in but before returning home to spend three days in Singapore . A pleasant experience that fulfilled one of my dreams, to be able to see orangutans in the wild.
In October we went five days Rome. A family trip to celebrate the golden anniversary of my parents. Although we already knew the eternal city, that was a very special trip for what it represented. Rome is a city that never tires and would return again and again. Surely not the last.
December The bridge did not go as we planned. We had a full week at our disposal, although in principle we think of Bulgaria in the end we opted for Sicily, mainly due to issues more favorable temperatures at this time of year. Of new air traffic controllers screwed up our plans and decided to return to some areas of France where we had been years ago. With nothing scheduled and without a fixed course, we visited several villages in the Provence , most of them already known, but which we loved back. First visited cities like Montpellier , Marseille or Nice and the Camargue region . There is no denying the anger and helplessness at being obliged to cancel the trip to Sicily, but returned to France for me is always good news. If I have not lost the accounts we have traveled 16 times to the neighboring country and as one who says we have not yet moved to the south. The first idea was to get the Champagne but the storm of cold and snow kept us where meteorological maps did not look so bad. I have many things to say that I will make in the coming weeks.
Throughout these 365 days there were also short breaks. Some weekends, like Andorra and others, one day trips to nearby places like the city of Girona or Besalú .
not missed the last week of October I traveled to Belgium for employment purposes but which allowed me to make some tourism in both Antwerp Brussels as . I already knew both cities but there are always many things to discover.
destinations for 2011 are not yet decided but I hope it can be fulfilling dreams. It is my wish for all that you actually go to here. Happy 2011!