Friday, July 2, 2010

Diverticulitis In Men

Work Platform for Dean from 2010 to 2014 Assembly Election

1. Institutional development and extension education

Restructuring the teaching activities of the Faculty.
The renewal of education in our faculty is an issue that should have
most attention from all stakeholders. The teaching duties are very
uncoordinated and focused primarily on teachers, particularly in some
degrees. From our point of view of broadening the range of degree courses
that the Faculty provides, either by duplicating some subjects, but also
enriching the variety of offerings.

The implementation of a diverse educational opportunities and quality is the foundation of true
flexible curriculum that provides a student the possibility
to choose different paths within the same formation general. The Faculty has
human resources in order to advance in the direction of diversifying
schedules and bids. Many teachers can give more and better courses in the
diversity of approaches involving the Faculty of Sciences. No one can escape
that most science teachers are full-time and Total
many cases the hours spent on education are scarce, and sometimes very low. 1
Returning to our central theme, the College requires a restructuring of its tasks
teachers, diversifying the offer and setting common minimum standards for education
among different institutes. This involves discussing evaluation criteria, the
coordinating role of teachers, how teachers are assigned tasks, etc..

Another issue that seems to us that people be offered special attention is the offer on the first
year career. In addition to rethinking in the discussion of new curricula and
their implementations (including previaturas), would be great to make an offer
alternative or complementary courses for students who fail some subjects
the first year and currently stranded in their ability to continue studying
To undertake these tasks can be thought of seeking a general education coordinator
Faculty, a faculty task entrusted by the Council for a period limited, similar pro
to graduate senates or coordination.

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1 Without going into too much detail, this is exacerbated when some institutions listed in its internal discussions that an article published in a refereed journal of international circulation, the time of renewal, would count the same as having coordinated several courses . A discussion of these situations will be later in the document.
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Changing curricula based on the new ordinance grade.
The Central Executive Council (CDC) has approved an ordinance to undergraduate courses,
which sets guidelines and criteria for the development and adoption of curricula. This
ordinance also sets a time limit within which the curricula of different races
the University should be amended to be consistent with

Under this pretext, but also for the necessary revision of the teaching approach,
should start a way of revising their curricula, some of which
been in place since the creation of it. This should go hand in hand with a process
conversion and resizing of the tasks of teaching faculty.

Adaptation of course schedules to the possibilities of the student.
The General Law of Education and the major agreements related to the update
of the Organic Act, proposed that the center of education and establish individual
collectively in the trainees. This philosophical orientation is nothing less, and understand
should guide educational activities. The Faculty should be set to
student-centered educational process, and therefore organize tasks
education according to this definition, adjusting schedules and educational proposals
student needs. We like to refer especially to the organization of
each degree courses, particularly the early years of racing.
Currently, our service does not offer time blocks (Even in the first year of
more of their degrees), that translates to "hours bridge" courses at times that
cover all day and not a specific shift, hours are often
the antithesis of reason. No sense for a student (especially one who just entered
), which should take at most five subjects, be forced to take days
Faculty ten hours but with four hours 'free' in the middle . This prevents those
students to do other activities such as working in a
simultaneous with the race, not being able to take all matters of degree
properly, or failing that they should abandon any of its

Although for many it may seem a minor issue, easily resolved,
experience tells us that the difficulties that arise when presenting solutions are
it strong enough so that in twenty years Faculty existence
not have been able to reverse the situation, and therefore should be part of the Reformation
University in the Faculty.

Faculty whites should take initiatives aiming at solving this problem. It is feasible
move in this direction, do it well and fast, if the organization is respected
hours stipulated by the Department of Education and administration of bdellium.

New grade offers
Most previously raised are based on educational provision that currently provides
School. However, in addition to rethink the curriculum should
study (and eventually defined) if you need to develop School
new educational proposals for undergraduate and graduate students. They should be thought of as
real needs and stakes for the country and science in general.
In the same vein, when we implement these proposals do not reduce us to look only
opportunities within the Faculty of Sciences, but must be sought
collaboration with other Services and Regional.
as examples only and no discourse on the desirability or otherwise of the proposals,
we cite three cases.
The creation of the Bachelor of Biotechnology by of ORT could be considered a sign
delay in this kind of definition that the School has had. It is built to
from a group that was formed within the Faculty of Sciences and other
both researchers from the ipmon. Meanwhile, the situation of our MSc in Biotechnology
not discussed in any area of \u200b\u200bthe Faculty.

The variety of educational programs - all levels - teachers presented by our Faculty
in the invitation to the Poles of Development University of the ICC, is a symptom
that we fail to channel the efforts of many teachers, especially
of the young. Think only of the proposed degree and technical programs
submitted for the CURE reinforces this point.
We can say that different groups of the faculty think or have thought
develop degrees in natural resources management, in Ecology and Environmental Sciences
. Is it necessary to adopt three curriculum for three different titles?,
Or you can work on a plan flexible enough to give rise to different profiles
including training could include the above? No less
in these eve move forward on a possible answer.
In short, it is time to rethink the education offered by the Faculty, the
existing but also the possibilities and future bets.

Develop criteria for horizontal mobility between Faculty of Science and Teacher Training
This program makes sense for both students and faculty level. In the first
previous renowned as some subjects directly enrolled
electives at another institution. At the level of teachers to strengthen ties encountered some
through individual initiatives.

Monitors and peer tutoring.
We see mentoring as one of the most useful tools to facilitate transit
of each student by the University. This type, which are diversified environments
and teaching, with its ability to deal "custom" tailored to the needs
student who goes to her, and voluntary with agility, dynamism and
characteristics, completely different to the traditional courses is
complementary forms in them. While the results are different in different
under different services and projects, we understand that they are all a positive contribution.
With this understanding, we propose as necessary to put forward proposals in this regard.
In particular, the Federation of Students, in coordination with the Integration Plan and Monitoring
Income Generation has been working on the mode of
Peer Tutoring (TEP) as a drive home tutoring. Through the use
of learning through teaching, is to facilitate flexible and diversify
integration and transit through the UR, providing alternatives to students who are
in different situations. In parallel, promotes teamwork and the
empowerment and participation of the students involved (both tutors and tutees
) reinforcing links with the institution and contribute to the formation
integral college students. This will develop a mentoring
academic, by its very nature, also becomes a living coaching college
With these considerations produced a framework document for a project that aims to unify
and matching the different experiences of tutoring in general and PTSD in particular
in developed and developing - and between - the different services UR. This is
the spirit that leads us to make the following proposal.
Our School program that comes close to this is the monitor program, carried out by
Education Unit. This program shares several characteristics
of PTSD, mainly being carried out by students and for students.
As stated above, we consider that all experiences add up, but this does not mean that
be improved. The program monitors, developed since 2007, has obvious shortcomings
, in our opinion. Among them is the decrease
edition after edition, both the students who apply as monitors and students
presented to be tutored, contrary to the trend of bolstering such UR

believe that the way to solve this is to completely change the mode,
restructuring program monitors one of TEP as explained earlier,
way to do it more efficiently and improve performance. Necessary to include the whole academic support
from tutor tutoring at the heart of the experience and release of features
"extra" that make it the tool that is complementary to the classroom and to integrating
university life. Additionally we consider to be worked in the
above sense to increase and improve coordination between services and
UR level entirely with regard to mentoring, and partnership with
core programs, experience with other services, etc.
This, in turn, must be accompanied by a restructuring of the Education Unit. Conversion

Education Unit
To date, the Education Unit is very small, with an assistant
. She added a helper for Teaching Unit Perma. With this structure
is impossible to continue the current development plan, much less
implement new development policies. It will require an evaluation of
academic structure of the Unit.
profile should be reviewed in charge of the unit, giving an effective charge and
institutional support to carry forward the work required. It also should rethink
Unit approach to teaching. The same should promote
training and educational evaluation, to advise
different forms of education, contribute to the development learning of science.
also must take an active role in generating knowledge in the scientific
research in education.

Practices Following comprehensive line at central level by the UR, in particular as expressed
in "For the Renewal of Education and Extension CurricularizaciĆ³n
and Activities in the Middle "last October, we are convinced of the need to
promote development, preferably starting this year, an offer
comprehensive academic practices, for the first year and by the end of the race.
This is framed in the importance of the extension as an integrator of functions
to transform the university to a more engaged in the development of the country
and social improvements, part of society
Added to this coordination and promotion of student participation in
"Student Projects" of the different sectors. These projects are an excellent

opportunity to encourage relationship and knowledge of the institution by the student
and teamwork, both within a single discipline - better yet
- interdisciplinary. We understand, however, that today the promotion is limited to
institutional level, and generally depends on the interest of some actors within the service
or prior knowledge of some students on the existence of the same
, resulting in a poor utilization of this instrument.

Resources for Students: Improving the computer room.
Relevance in the use of new technologies, especially information technology, in
disciplines taught in our School has grown significantly and will continue
doing. Both tasks require a computer for design and access to Internet
to view relevant information are increasingly necessary for
students of all disciplines. No teacher or student is unaware of this reality. Today
School has a computer room equipped with about 20
computers. In our consideration, they are underutilized, since
hours that the room is open to the public is worryingly short (just
4 hours) and a highly inappropriate time, coinciding with massive courses
the early years, representing a significant percentage of all students who attend

It follows that the first step towards improving this resource, we want
acquire a higher profile and useful, is to extend the hours of 8 to 18 hours.
On the other hand, we hope that this place can also serve for the relationship between
Faculty and students be more fluid, making it an institutional
which provides support in various problems that have to do with life
university, taking advantage of the physical space, since it is a place where
many students attend normally. That is why we are proposing that
people working in this space having a different profile is now
raised. In addition to ensuring the smooth operation of the service that gives the student
propose that as a space for consultation and guidance
student. This is closely linked to the tutoring program that
mentioned in point for tutoring and we intend to promote.
would be a service that could help students on specific issues and, if
that consultations had a more specific, you can refer a student
guardian or any suitable person in the topic . Especially in odd semesters, the
existence of a space not only academic guidance but also guide institutional
would superlative importance in the rapid development and improvement of transit
academic new science student, complementing the work done in courses

Resources for students: Implementation of a technical English course.
As you go through a university, especially science, have
English skills that allow reading and writing in this language becomes increasingly
useful and necessary. In today's world, the bulk of scientific articles and books
reference found on the language, and commonly occurs in fact the requirement,
subjects, special works and monographs, reading materials in English.
every student also one of the careers of faculty must at some point,
use literature available in that language.
Fluency in English is thus an essential tool to achieve a good performance
in scientific careers.
Among students can distinguish two situations in this regard. On the one hand,
for those who have the knowledge necessary to comfortably read a text
only meet the inherent difficulty of the subject. The other case is that of those
for various reasons do not have the knowledge and the difficulty lies more in
understand the language, the concepts that seeks to understand.
training is understood that public secondary education is provided in English
quite inadequate, resulting in inadequate to what a college student
need throughout their careers.
To overcome this lack, we propose the implementation of a course English Faculty of Science
and distribution load time to consider the times
students of the institution (hampered by the very faculty), and a flexible form, adapted to
different levels of knowledge students can have. Another
consideration, in view of English proposed as a necessary tool for
study, which outlines to the technical language and not merely to knowledge

Diploma Program Update or enhancement of discipline teachers
secondary education and teacher training.
Through the resolutions of the Central Board of the General Law of Education
(LGE), the UR has repeatedly expressed interest in collaborating in
teacher training, and has been active in implementation committee of IUDE
. This is not entirely covered by the LGE since it is not clear yet
IUDE institutional location. In the context of the resolutions of the UR on the subject,
the Faculty must be proposed to elaborate a program of renovation or
development of teachers in the disciplines that it is grown. This means

promoting a postgraduate diploma in that discipline or advanced studies in her
as deep as you want to give the program.
While there is some experience, especially related continuing education courses
(EP), this proposal seeks to go a little beyond the mere accumulation of
specific courses (no offense at all to PD), made no overall vision
must give a specific program.
course, this program should be characterized by flexibility, and be adapted to
people in addition to being immersed in it other number of tasks performed. Namely, we
not think of a very extensive program in the amount of hours and with
scattered times throughout the day. Is by definition a program to
people working and that should be taken into account. In this sense we should analyze the
possibility that some of these courses are offered off the premises of the Faculty, and
less common days and times for our service. Another alternative that should be taken into account
is that some of the courses are offered in semi-face mode.
This program would be part of regular teaching assignments in the Faculty
and be free. If it is decided advance in this direction should define a
institutional coordinator for the construction of the program and further coordination.

2. Research

Strengthening the research groups of the Faculty.
As a first proposal that we should enforce Research Unit
that at some point deliberately set, having as one of its first tasks the
generating a database of research activities being conducted
each teacher of the Faculty.
The uneven development of different academic areas of the Faculty is
noticeable. It is necessary to define priority areas for capacity building
research and better prepare those groups presenting the program of the CSIC
. This not only includes promoting research units
not currently be strong, but also strengthen others that are in development.
should be encouraged the participation of research groups from the Faculty in
new programs from the CSIC, including those programs created under the Second Amendment
University. More specifically the research agenda for social inclusion
with its two forms, must be the priority agenda of research
our service.
In this sense, participation in programs should not be CSIC
the only action taken by the faculty, we believe it is necessary to promote research relevant
social and productive development of the country from the same institution and all levels

and research students
In most cases, a student of the Faculty is not in contact with real
research practice until late in his career, firmly believe that this is not
should be. Seek, in light of the new curriculum, how to bring
research students earlier.
Finally, it is necessary to disseminate and work in the Program of Support to Research Student
the CSIC, understanding this as essential in the formation of new researchers
. This must be a work to do between the new Dean and
Student Center. The School will strengthen the involvement of stakeholders in the service
Support Group Student Research Science (Gaie-Sciences), and
facilitate the efforts of students to present projects both before these
submitted, approved and after them.

3. Extension

General Aspects
Extension is a feature that allows direct lines of research plans and teaching
. However, in many areas of research is prioritized, taking a teaching
focused mainly on teachers and often eccentric
the students, putting the extension as a marginal role.
Considering the extension as a transformative learning process that contributes to
producing new knowledge, critically linking scientific knowledge with
lore in favor of an academic commitment to society and solving its problems

Considering the extension as a process and an educational tool
transformer where no roles of teacher and learner, where everyone can
learning and teaching. That is why it is essential to participation and involvement of
social and academic actors in the process that contributes to the production of knowledge
Again, critically linking scientific knowledge with popular knowledge.
since it is essential to promote institutional and collective forms of association to provide
overcome significant social problems, either stimulating
interdisciplinary approaches, student participation in projects, the participation of
community, support the decentralization process, among others. For this is key
support the work that the Extension of the Faculty of Sciences, both
Institutional the link with the various organizations and institutions (Either ANEP,
UTU, CCS, etc.) And central level with the Sectoral Commission on Outreach and Activities
in the Middle (CSEAM).

The Faculty now has several projects call Extension
2009-2010 in the 4 modalities. We are committed to continue and maintain an active
participation in student activities and meetings for the coming years.
is important that the extension is understood as a function that allows
guide lines of research and teaching plans, generating commitment to university
the society and solving its problems.

Relationship with the Middle
The Faculty should not be exempted from the social problems surrounding it.
is why we plant continue and promote the momentum of shares
interdisciplinary university to develop articulated mode functions
research and extension in the context of renewed teaching strategies with strong participation
student in a more direct link with both the PIM (Comprehensive Metropolitan) as
educational institutions, and local high school students in the area, to develop
plans together., whether of an educational approach as well as
solutions together.

4. Institutional

Current status and future vision
The crisis of the faculty since the last few years has inevitably led to
internal fragmentation. Seems to have disappeared from the collective vision of the Faculty
after their goals. Each sector procurement, at best, resolve problems
their environment even if it means generating a greater problem outside their circle of
The discussion of academic policies, the changes needed, the University
reform, the opportunities that have arisen in the University and in the country, are not
popular topics on the Council. Here the discussion is getting smaller. The responsibility for
this fact is shared by all levels (especially teachers and students
The next dean should not delay in activating the role of proposals and articulating Dean
team that achieves coupling or exceed the various internal visions post
a common goal of development of the institution. The orders should not get
back and work beyond the capacity of these showed the internal policies of the Faculty
in recent years.

Institutional coordination
Many of the university reform proposals related to progress through the mode
contest programs, developed in sectoral or central committees.
example is the new research programs proposed by the CSIC, in
expansion and diversification of teaching methods, student projects,
multifunctional spaces, etc., arising from the CSE, the Network Extension
coordinated by the SECAM the CSIC-ITC joint call for the establishment of research centers
inside the call to promotion opportunities and time extensions, etc.
In general when these programs are presented by individual teachers
favorable evaluations to the Faculty, on the contrary, when the presentation
to these programs is collective and institutional the Faculty is not well evaluated.
The School requires institutional coordination working in the media,
preparation and presentation of these projects, which draw on the best way
the opportunities these calls as well as others from
agencies and non-university institutions. We believe that the School can no longer rely exclusively
interest and willingness of some teachers,
students and staff to apply for these programs, there must be posture
institutional proactive.

We have no doubt that this coordination should be undertaken by the Dean, in particular
by the Dean. It is he who attends the Central Board and who
is in permanent contact with the central policies and who oversees the implementation of
policies defined in the Councils. From our point of view the core programs
linked to the UK are an instrument for the development of the Services, the
actors that compose it, the entire University. Why should not delay the Dean
its coordinating role in developing, programming and implementation of policies for faculty that can
prosecuted through such programs.

Board liaison
central definitions of the Faculty are made by the Council but its implementation requires
the opinion and work of the institutes, departments, units and
centers. In addition there must be a natural space for dialogue in which
institutes and centers to present and discuss proposals to the Board, instead of sending it
initiatives, complaints and requests with isolation. We also think it would be very rich
have a field that seeks to promote joint policy institutes, as
may be the development of career guidance, joint charges,
masters and diploma programs, policies, teaching career etc. As noted above, coordination and joint
all these aspects is fundamental in the work of Dean, but
also part of the responsibility for school addresses.

propose work (biweekly or monthly for example) a Board liaison
directors of institutes and centers, the Dean and a member of command2.
With similar goals but issues linked to education and training of students
could run a Liaison and Coordinating Board of Education, which involved
instead of school directors teacher coordinators.

Vice Dean
The plan to move forward with the Faculty of Science and to take full advantage
opportunities that currently exist is important to strengthen the ability to run
defined priorities. Think about supporting the work the Dean (Dean, Assistant
academic and Secretary removable) with a relevant set of academic and can responsibility
support or specific lines of work (similar to how a
Pro works with the Governing Body) may be a viable alternative.
While the figure of Vice Dean is not foreseen in the current Organic Law (yes in
reforms) we believe that consideration should be given to establish a
shape or style scheme. Would have to work on detailing the functions fulfilled (for
This could clarify priority issues), how shall recognize the role (both
from the standpoint of academic and salary) and agree a way Choice3.

The relationship "extra walls."
The image of the Faculty of the University both within and outside has been very
weakened in the last period. We believe that the faculty has not grown
has become the extent possible, and even less in relation to
opportunities that existed (and exist) in both the Chancellor and in this period
government national and departmental administrations. Rebuild and upgrade
external image of the school and seeking opportunities for
processing must be addressing issues for the future dean.

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2 In Faculty of Engineering is traditional functioning of the Board as a collective space link internal coordination of the Faculty. We did not invent anything, but we have generated good ideas initiatives in other services.
3 We define a general process of work priorities for the Faculty and depending on them and the Dean team integration, and the areas and responsibilities that it is distributed, " assign specific functions in addition to some general-should have-the" Vice Dean. " Later be entrusted a group co-governed the search for a candidate and the Council define the responsibility themes that apply. These tasks should be recognized within management activities, co-governance and academic leadership, and specific values \u200b\u200bat the time of re teacher (as with other responsibilities that may be established).
----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Restructuring

The School moved to the current building around 1998. From that time until today
has remained essentially the same distribution leasable growth despite constant
academic body. This has created an imbalance within the building, with sections
overcrowded while others maintain a low density.
addition, the School has new units, institutes and laboratories, as well
working groups that require space building complex. Given this new reality not so
understand it's time to make a study of space building complex and the current needs, but also
forward the expected growth in it.
In this sense, the Faculty of Sciences to review its plan of works and maintenance
with the aim of relocating laboratories, to clear sections and ensure
building maintenance (emergency exits, halls, etc.).

institutional assessment
During the second dean of Ehrlich had begun a evaluation process
institutional was cut short by their distance from the Faculty. Within the next
period should be analyzed as rethink the discussion.

Dissemination and Publications
  • note the importance of creating a database where they are publications developed by the various sections and institutes Faculty of Sciences, as this would facilitate access to them.
  • In particular it is essential to substantial improvement of the yearbook, which lacks of interest to many teachers and students. analyze the possibility of establishing a publishing agreements for Faculty.
  • Improvement School website, which features an updated data were limited, and strengthen the information on this important medium can provide.
  • Creating a newsletter (electronic or print) where publish different types of news related to topics relevant to the Faculty well as the dissemination of courses and events taking place in institution or outside it.
5. cogovernment

Commission agenda and "delegation" of some powers to the dean
The School Council is a myriad of topics, many of them are easy to deal directly
or simple procedures. Still, they removed the session time. We
proposing a form of operation that will expedite the paperwork and can concentrate
Council meeting in the discussion and policy development
Faculty and other important topics.
One of our proposals is to give a more proactive role on the Commission agenda,
for this function as a pre-Council. The issues could be addressed easier
in committee, and in case of clear agreements, they would come with
Draft Resolution to the Council.
Our other suggestion would be delegated to mere administrative dean for
example, accumulation of salary, relocation of the headquarters of DT, so that they are endorsed
directly. This would increase the processing speed of these records.

Elimination or restructuring of academic committees are co-governed or
mere formalities.
There are several committees in our service that either little delegation of work,
little consequence for their views when making decision or set a theme or
because it is difficult to find delegates to them, they lose importance or form of
operation. This fact, usually those involved in
areas of operation are few, it produces a lot of wear and few results.
In this regard, we believe it is necessary that these areas are eliminated or converted
so as not to wear mechanisms and their delegations. This
way, we believe that you can find areas or forms of participation more fruitful
of valuable lean sometimes these committees.

Promotion of generational change in leadership teaching faculty.
is well known that in our department, most of the teachers involved in
areas of discussion, construction and leadership of co-government teachers are
already enshrined School academically.
This can have two reasons, firstly the belief that only teachers with greater seniority
are trained to perform the co-government. On the other hand, maybe only
high grades teachers have time to devote to these tasks,
not give back to the time of their renewals and do not generate interest in most
campus teaching. Whatever the reason is clear that this should not continue to happen in this
form for several reasons, including because it is highly necessary that the voice is heard
of teachers more youth. In this sense we must work to find ways to
participation of the entire teaching staff.